Liquid whole egg is used mainly in the preparation of bakery products. The liquid whole egg is made based on the natural balance in the egg. The product is pasteurised to guarantee it is safe to use.
Liquid whole egg is available with and without preservatives and from all laying systems.
Packs of 10kg BIB, 500/800/1000kg stainless steel, 500/1000kg IBC
Blends of high dry matter, low dry matter, sugar, salt
Production companies WEKO Eiproducten BV, Van den Burg Eiproducten BV, BV NIVE
Liquid egg yolk, is also used in the preparation of ice cream, egg nog and in particular sauces. The relatively high fat content of egg yolk gives a lovely creamy and solid texture. For hot preparation of sauces there is StableEgg® (read more about this under specialities). In the bakery sector egg yolk is also used a lot as a glaze. Glazing with egg yolk gives the products a lovely dark and crispy crust.
Liquid egg yolk is available with and without preservatives and from all laying systems.
Packs of 10kg BIB, 500/800/1000kg stainless steel, 500/1000kg IBC
Blends of high dry matter, low dry matter, sugar, salt, heat stable
Production companies WEKO Eiproducten BV, Van den Burg Eiproducten BV, BV NIVE
White Liquid egg has two main outlets as regards application. It is often used as a binder in the meat and fishing industry for example to bind breadcrumbs but also to reinforce surimi. In addition egg white is often used to make whipped egg white. Uses for whipped egg white include for example macaroons and meringue. Egg white is also very good for making all sorts of confectionery products lighter.
Liquid egg white is available with and without preservatives and from all laying systems.
Packs of 10kg BIB, 500/800/1000kg stainless steel, 500/1000kg IBC
Blends of high dry matter, low dry matter, sugar, salt
Production companies WEKO Eiproducten BV, Van den Burg Eiproducten BV, BV NIVE
Interovo Egg Group BV works on a daily basis to optimise the recipes. Special recipes are also regularly developed, in cooperation with the customer, seamlessly geared to the customer’s needs. Because Interovo Egg Group BV has the whole chain from chick to egg product under its own control the required ingredients can be quickly supplied. Should you need a special recipe, please contact us via the contact form.
One of the specialities that Interovo Egg Group BV has developed in recent years is StableEgg®. With StableEgg® egg yolk can also be processed in a hot process without the end product separating.
In addition to StableEgg® the companies of Interovo Egg Group BV produce a wide variety of blends, products with added sugars, salts and other ingredients. Everything is focused on the needs of the customer.
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